Delivering High Quality Care

AQ Elective Hip & Knee Replacement Measure Launch

At the Advancing Quality Hip and Knee Replacement Measure Launch virtual event on the 4th December 2024, 2pm - 4pm, we hope to set out the new measure set and implement this across our participating trusts.

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Course content

  • Lesson AQ Hip and Knee Replacement Measure Launch Lesson type: Event
    • AQ Hip and Knee Replacement Measure Launch
    • 2024.12.04 HK Launch slide deck.pdf
    • Orthopaedic_AKI_checklist.pdf
    • 2025.01.01 Hip and Knee answer guidance v0.3.pdf
    • 2025.01.01 Hip and Knee measures document v0.2.pdf
    • Aqua Q3Q4 member offers.pdf
    • 2025.01.01 Hip and knee data collection form v0.4.pdf
    • AQ Hip & Knee measure launch 04.12.2024.mp4